First years in India and Nepal

Created by Ruth one year ago
In 1961 Mum left for India where she helped in the mission hospital while doing her language training. Though she had failed learning languages at school, driven by her love for Dad, she managed to complete her Nepali language training in 6 months, well ahead of schedule and they were married at the mission hospital in India in April 1962.* After 2 days train journey, one day’s bus ride and 4 days trek over two 8000-foot mountain ranges away from the mission hospital, they arrived at their first home in a remote part of Nepal.* It was an 8ft square room. They lived there for several months whilst waiting for their house to be built.  Mum helped at a medical clinic there in the village, after a few months they returned to the hospital in India for Andrew to be born – Though 8 months pregnant, Mum preferred to climb the mountains herself holding onto Dad’s rucksack, rather than be carried on a chair by coolies – they walked for 10 minutes and then rested for 10 minutes. It was just as well they hadn’t risked staying in the village, as Mum needed a Caesarean. When they returned after a few months, the villagers were very interested to see a white baby.* Mum and Dad had to leave the village earlier than planned, as Ruth was on the way and Mum had a threatened miscarriage. This time she was carried in a chair on poles - sometimes hanging over drops of several thousand feet on the winding mountain paths. One of the missionaries accompanying them slipped on the narrow path falling 40 feet down the mountain before her fall was broken by a tree. Thankfully she survived.